Do You Know Your Eggs

Its Awesome!!

Eggs are one of the all-around most nutritious foods on the planet. But you're surely looking for the best choice and with so many different types of eggs - organic, free-range, pastured, cage-free and even nutirent-enhanced ones, how do you know which one to choose?

Don't get confused; these are not interchangeable terms and you have to do your due deligence to get the best, most healthful eggs.

Can't remember if an egg is fresh or hard boiled? Follow these simple steps to test whether those eggs in your refrigerator are fresh enough to eat:
Step 1

Place your egg in a tall glass of cold water. If it stays at the bottom, then it’s fresh; if it lifts and bobs at a bit of an angle, it’ll be older but fine to use; if it floats to the surface, then it’s getting pretty old and is probably not safe to use, so get rid of it!

Step 2

Crack open your egg and see what the yolk and the white do. If the egg yolk bulges and the white is viscous and gathered tightly round the yolk, then the egg is still fresh. However, if the yolk is flat and the egg white runny, then the egg is old.

Step 3

If you shake the egg and there’s no sloshing noise from inside, then it’s fresh and can be eaten. If, on the other hand, the egg makes a sloshing noise when you shake it, air has gotten into it and expanded the natural air bubble, so it’s best not eaten.

Step 4

The packaging specifies a ‘use by’ date and the supplier guarantees that it will be usable at least until this date, provided that they are stored properly. Generally, eggs can still be safely eaten for some time past the ‘use by’ date, if they’re well cooked through, but best confirm this with one of the other freshness checks!

Facts of Omega 3 Eggs

Subcontract Testing
Analysis Method RL Result Unit
ALA (C18:3n-3)* AOAC (2016) 996.06 10:00 204.96 mg/100g
DHA ( C22:6n-3)* AOAC (2016) 996.06 10:00 160.77 mg/100g
cis-13,16,19-Docosatri enoic acid (C22:3n-3)* AOAC (2016) 996.06 10:00 < 10.00 mg/100g
DPA (C22:5n-3)* AOAC (2016) 996.06 10:00 10.97 mg/100g
cis-11,14,17-Eicosatrie noic acid (C20:3n-3)* AOAC (2016) 996.06 10:00 < 10.00 mg/100g
EPA (C20:5n-3)* AOAC (2016) 996.06 10:00 < 10.00 mg/100g
Stearidonic acid (C18:4n-3)* AOAC (2016) 996.06 10:00 < 10.00 mg/100g
Total Omega 3* AOAC (2016) 996.06 10:00 376.70 mg/100g

*are subcotracted to SGS affiliates